Org.nr: 559324-8452
Bolagsform: AB
Tel: 073-032 24 99
Web: http://www.w3t.se/
Adress: Dymlingsgränd 5, 129 30, Hägersten
We are a bunch of Geeks with a common passion for DevOps, Data Science and Software Development!

W3T strives to create packaged solutions from the latest Open Source components that can be tailor-made to your needs and deployed in the Cloud or your Container based infrastructure. Our Professional Services Team has a combined multiple years of experience of building, deploying and succesfully operating Projects within our core areas: DevOps, Data Science and Software Development on top of Kubernetes.
We are a bunch of Geeks with a common passion for DevOps, Data Science and Software Development!

W3T strives to create packaged solutions from the latest Open Source components that can be tailor-made to your needs and deployed in the Cloud or your Container based infrastructure. Our Professional Services Team has a combined multiple years of experience of building, deploying and succesfully operating Projects within our core areas: DevOps, Data Science and Software Development on top of Kubernetes.